EscaRosa Multitier Care
Counseling Services
ERMC Counseling Services for Escambia, Santa Rosa Counties & Beyond!

Thank you so much for visiting with us at ERMC Counseling Services.
ERMC holds to a multitiered and holistic approach to counseling in that whether your symptoms were initially triggered by life's circumstances, or strictly clinical in nature, our case management services, psychiatric, and therapeutic are offered to help connect to community services, med management with addiction related treatment, and coping skills.
We believe each individual, couple, or family comes with a rich history and multilayered heritage. While it is necessary to shed some excess baggage, it is important to not reject where we came from. As tempting though it maybe, none of us can afford to throw it all away and start from scratch. As such, we, as individuals have the unique responsibility to assess our repertoire and realize that the pertinent people and entities in our lives gave us "what they had" though insufficient or even damaging in some cases, yet it was the best that their history afforded them. Although it is important that people are kept accountable, we recognize none of us can give what we do not have, and it is a known fact that "hurt people do hurt people." The next step that is incumbent on each person is to take ownership to set his/her own course, which can be very empowering, yet a very difficult task and journey just the same. This is where we, at ERMC, come in to be your partner, your sounding board, and challenger on the journey. While we are not our experiences, we are the sum of our experiences and a little more. You might not have had power over your past experiences, we invite you to let us into your boat to help you take the course to your "a little more," as that my friend, you do have the power to positively alter or influence! After all, "Tomorrow is another day!"
Dr. Elizabeth R. Charles, PhD, LMHC
President of Clinical Operations