EscaRosa Multitier Care
Counseling Services
ERMC Counseling Services for Escambia, Santa Rosa Counties & Beyond!
Individual Therapy
Milton & Pensacola, FL/Escambia & Santa Rosa Counties
Individual Therapy
Milton & Pensacola, FL/Escambia & Santa Rosa Counties
Counseling Is provided to Adults, Adolescents, Children, and Geriatric populations. Creates a platform for an open, supportive, confidential, and safe environment on the path to healing. Provides outpatient clinical assessments and individual therapy through a large repertoire of integrated approaches and techniques to help promote a more effective level of functioning and prevent hospitalizations & other more intensive/restrictive behavioral health placement. The following common diagnoses are treated: Anxiety, ADHD, bipolar, BPD, depression, DID, eating disorder, PTSD, RAD, Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective disorder, etc.